Pretty morning kiln candy!


Most of these are brand spanking new beads i pulled out of the kiln yesterday morning.  Don’t they make a fun and pretty handful?  It’s been a bit of a challenge shifting my brain back into beadmaking mode  post-vaykay but i think it’s all slooooowwwwwwly coming together…

Be sure to look for these yummy beads at this weekend’s TNAF show – details HERE

Introducing the Stone Goddess Under Moonlight

A quick video (thanks again to Liana!) of the sculpture in my latest exhibition (Best of the National Capital Network of Sculptors, closed 2/23/13) at the City of Ottawa Central Archives: “Stone Goddess Under Moonlight”.

She’s the second sculpture in the Elemental Goddess series and represents earth (as well as being my favourite of the three sculptures I’ve made so far)…

Video interview #2… about process (and featuring my son)

This is the other video that Liana, the host of Contemplative, Expressive and Imaginative Arts, shot last weekend… it was an intro/warm-up session right before we did the live radio interview & video. In this one, we discuss the glass beadmaking process a bit more and you’ll get to hear what my son thinks about having a mom who plays with fire…

At the end, there’s no demo because my hands were shaking so much I couldn’t get the tank attached (doh! LOL).  At some point, I’ll have to make sure i actually post a video working on the torch.

Also, the full annealing cycle for each of my beads takes about 6-8 hours – i only mention the soak time (to even out the heat in each piece) in the video.

I’m trying out eBay as well for the first time…

I’ll be relisting these beads on eBay on Friday, October 9th (likely for another seven days).  Click any of the pictures below to take a closer look!

I have three auctions listed on eBay – click any of the pictures below to take a look!

Pear Tree #1Liquid Fire GoddessIMG_2918

Auctions end October 15th.  Happy bidding!

More experimenting at the torch…

IMG_3212I’m still full of ideas and experimenting at the torch… and still no explanation for these beads except this is what’s currently coming out of my head:  gothic and cartoon hearts, and playing with the effects that can be created  from boutique silver glass.  The pregnant goddesses are for a custom order.  I’m having fun though!IMG_3213