Live radio interview & video about my art…

This past weekend i was interviewed by Liana Voia, the host of Contemplative, Expressive and Imaginative Arts for her live radio art therapy show.

I was a nervous wreck in the beginning but once i calmed down i think it went well. Liana asked some great questions and it was wonderful opportunity to explain my passion for glass to someone who appreciates art and supports local artists. For those with a slow connection there’s an audio-only version as well.

There’s also a second video with my son participating which i’ll post tomorrow.  Anyhoo, enjoy and leave a comment!  I’d love to hear what you all think…

More experimenting at the torch…

IMG_3212I’m still full of ideas and experimenting at the torch… and still no explanation for these beads except this is what’s currently coming out of my head:  gothic and cartoon hearts, and playing with the effects that can be created  from boutique silver glass.  The pregnant goddesses are for a custom order.  I’m having fun though!IMG_3213

What have i been up to…?

…building up my stock of finished beads and applying for shows and competitions.  Why?  Mostly to challenge and stretch myself.  A side benefit is that i’m being forced to really work on my photography – i think i’m getting better, no?

Earthy goddesses

Earthy goddesses

Bright goddesses
Bright goddesses
I consider these (for the most part) the slimmer versions of my goddess beads.  I need to work on some more voluptuous and pregnant goddesses next…

I’ve been published!


Look!  There’s my bead!  In a real magazine!  My green pregnant goddess (now residing in California) is on Page 22 in the winter 2008 issue of The Flow – a US magazine for flameworkers that is distributed worldwide.  I’m one of the 150 artists featured in the annual Women in Glass Issue and it’s my first time being featured in print.

Now, I’ve known about this since last fall when I submitted my bead pics to the call for entry.  Since I wasn’t 100% sure that any of my beads would be included, i blabbed to everyone i know personally but didn’t publish anything here.  Now, finally the moment has arrived where i can insert “publications” into my glass resume. 

I’ve been doing the happy dance all week…

Tales from the Torch: More pregnant goddesses

These are so much fun to make!  I’m still refining and experimenting with the shapes and colours (from left to right):  All are 1.75″-2.5″

Metallic Moss:This goddess was supposed to be a deep blue colour but i somehow managed to reduce this furnace glass to a weird (but way cool!) metallic green colour.  i absolutely did not expect  this and hope i can recreate this technique, it’s fantastic!

Purple Rose: I love this furnace glass – it gives a great mottled purple ranging from very light to deep with minimal effort.  I even reduced her a bit for some dark interest. 

Sandy Gold: I love, love the depth of colour in this one and the odd little streak that developed across her belly – makes her look like she’s been carved from stone.  I ran out fuel making her, so popped her in the kiln to keep warm and swapped tanks.  But then when i took her out to finish the sculpting i decided i liked her very raw, slightly unformed finish and left her just as she was…

More Grey Goddesses:

i made the one on the left in May (or was it June?) and then tried to replicate the effect using the same glass. 

This is a white furnace glass that when reduced develops this awesome streaky grey finish that is also slightly irridescent.  I still haven’t figured out how i created the metallic effect on the first one but i did manage to get two other cool looks. 

Hard to beleive these are all made pretty much the same way from the exact same glass!

Question i’ve been recently asked: So what does one do with these goddesses?

Well…they can be framed (i think they’d look lovely in a trio of shadow box frames) or for a more personal connection they can be worn as a pendant.  Here’s an example: