Finally… a video of me torching!

well… sorta,

I’ve been saying i’m going to get a proper video of myself torching for years and finally decided to try a quickie one. Forgive the shakiness, i had that heavy chunk of glass in my left, phone in my right and was trying to watch the video and rotate the glass in/out of the flame at the same time without frying myself.

This 3″ long chunk of solid glass eventually (over the next several hours later) was hot sculpted into a large goddess. I’ll post pics once it’s complete.

Note: You may want to turn yr volume down as the tv is kinda loud…

Introducing the Stone Goddess Under Moonlight

A quick video (thanks again to Liana!) of the sculpture in my latest exhibition (Best of the National Capital Network of Sculptors, closed 2/23/13) at the City of Ottawa Central Archives: “Stone Goddess Under Moonlight”.

She’s the second sculpture in the Elemental Goddess series and represents earth (as well as being my favourite of the three sculptures I’ve made so far)…

Video interview #2… about process (and featuring my son)

This is the other video that Liana, the host of Contemplative, Expressive and Imaginative Arts, shot last weekend… it was an intro/warm-up session right before we did the live radio interview & video. In this one, we discuss the glass beadmaking process a bit more and you’ll get to hear what my son thinks about having a mom who plays with fire…

At the end, there’s no demo because my hands were shaking so much I couldn’t get the tank attached (doh! LOL).  At some point, I’ll have to make sure i actually post a video working on the torch.

Also, the full annealing cycle for each of my beads takes about 6-8 hours – i only mention the soak time (to even out the heat in each piece) in the video.

Live radio interview & video about my art…

This past weekend i was interviewed by Liana Voia, the host of Contemplative, Expressive and Imaginative Arts for her live radio art therapy show.

I was a nervous wreck in the beginning but once i calmed down i think it went well. Liana asked some great questions and it was wonderful opportunity to explain my passion for glass to someone who appreciates art and supports local artists. For those with a slow connection there’s an audio-only version as well.

There’s also a second video with my son participating which i’ll post tomorrow.  Anyhoo, enjoy and leave a comment!  I’d love to hear what you all think…

Glass Class 101:Making Lampwork Glass Beads

Soooo, how do you DO that???

This is the question I’m most frequently asked when i mention i make glass beads (after of course, we get past that initial stage of incomprehension where i explain that yes, a person can make their own glass beads if they so choose, and no, it’s not really like glassblowing). 

SO! in honour of that ever repeating question, i decided to make a video demonstrating that process.  Ha!  easier said than done.  Unfortunately life and the whims of a teenage schedule means that video never quite happened. 

Instead, thanks to the wonder of modern technology, the internet and lots of people with way more time and video talent than I will ever have, here are some YouTube videos (of other glass beadmakers) demonstrating how they make their glass beads.  I’ve explained the process and components on this page: My Glass Beads.  Any questions? let me know…

My beads are essentially made just like these – but bigger.  Enjoy!

Simple disc bead:

Encased floral:

Sculpted polar bear:

(Yes, someday i will get my own video made and posted… someday…)