Happy Valentines Day!

No beads to show (i’m not really into seasonal beads) but  to celebrate the day I thought i’d share a few of my fave short videos about love – in all its many stages…

Love at all costs (funny one):

Validation through love (just plain adorable!):

The end of love (sad and beautiful at the same time):

My kitten is hilarious…

Busta striking a pose2 

i mean, can you believe this pose????  He was lying there sleeping in the sunlight just like that and when i called him he kinda rolled his head to side and gave me that look…

Busta striking a pose

…and then he just stretched back out and dozed off again. In the wild, i believe this pose is known to predators as “Eat me”.


 This pose is known as “Eat me…” too.  “…with ketchup”.


I wish you could have seen the contortions that preceded this photo: he was stretched out on his back napping (right in the middle of the way, as usual), when he saw his own tail twitch.  So of course he had to chase it.  But how do you bite the other end of your body when you’re lying on your back…?  By kinda spinning in circles like this.  (yes, he did catch that darned tail!)

Busta in a normal cat pose

And finally, here he is pretending to be a normal cat… rather than the dog that deep down he truly thinks he is.  The Teenager calls this pose a “kitten loaf”.

Ode to Effetre Copper Green

Ode to Copper Green 

Copper green, you are my bane

Copper green, you’re driving me insane!

You spit, you pit, you crack, you shock

Mixing you with certain colours just makes icky schlock

I love you! Why can’t you love me back?

Why must each turn in the flame coat you with gunky black?

I know i can etch you but i want you to shine

and avoid using chemicals that reek worse than turpentine

You’re pale green in the rod, so light, so pretty

But when you come out of the kiln you’re a weirdly deep, bluish verdigris??

Wassup with that, you crazy colour?

You make me want to scream and holler!

You’re making me late with my custom order

The fuglies you’ve given make me want to scream bloody murder!

I start out each time thinking i’ve found just the right blend

then incompatibility, weird colour reactions – you’re driving me off the deep end!

And then just when i think i’ve conquered your tricks

What’s that i hear?  Oh noooo, it’s cracking! “snick”

You screwed me, so now i must start again

I hate you! i hate you! you’re no longer my friend!

Oh, I’m kidding, I still love you.  I just needed to vent

Let’s go dance in the flame once more seeking mutual contentment…

© ShebaMakeda Glass Art


Latest addition to my lampwork collection…

I’ve mentioned i collect lampwork beads as well as make them, no? 

Now most of my fave artists are fairly well known but i recently found this new, young artist named Lisa Rippee (CloudEleven) while surfing the glass listings on Etsy.  And once i saw this vessel i was lost – had to have her the minute i saw her – i mean how could i resist that mouth??? 

 I’m wearing her right now and everytime i look down at that hanging tongue she makes me howl with laughter.  Ladies and gents, may i introduce you to:


(C’mon admit it… she reminds you of at least a few people you know, right?)

all talk hollow vessel

(Click the photo to read her description and check out Lisa’s shop)  

Ever wondered what you would look like….

…as a Simpson’s character? This is a Simpsonized version of me.  Note I’m wearing beads – my own of course.



Almost as much fun as the South Park version.  And very accurate too.

…except i do have a chin. And irises.  And i’m not quite that shade of brown.  Oh, and no room in my house is that white.

But otherwise? Fer shure, just like real life. Really.