i almost bought these shoes…


they’re stunningly, frivolously, fabulously beautiful
and all my favourite colours.

i had dreams about them.  seriously.
showcased with a fantastic pencil skirt and an airy white shirt…
watching them dangle flirtatiously from the bottom of my jeans…
thinking about how they’d sparkle in the lights while i made my moves on the dance floor.

i even planned to make big beads in colours to match –
yes, another one of my ever so rare sets!

think about it…
just sitting there on a patio with my girlz
sipping a martini
enjoying the spring weather,
people watching
and chatting…
catching up on our lives.

and then i’d look down…
and i’d see my own fabulous beads
in all my fave colours
strung into a stunning necklace
nestled in the collar of my crisp white linen shirt
(ok, maybe not so crisp since this would probably be after work)
glistening in the evening sun.

and then i’d look further down
down the looonnng, lean expanse
of my blue jean covered legs…
(umm, ok i admit it. there may be a slight exaggeration here on the long part…)
(uuuhh, ok yeah.  perhaps a bit on the lean part too…)

and see my FAB-ulous new shoes
and my freshly manicured (and colour coordinated!) toes.

and i would be so caught by all this combined beauty
i would just have to breathe: “oooooooooooooooooooo”
and my girlz would catch the same view and also breathe:
“oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo those shoooeeesss…”

and then the other women passing…
at least the ones who understand
that since comfort and cute can’t always be combined
cute should win – most of the time
…only within the context of shoes, of course.

…they would also look down
and be caught in the colourful kaleidoscope 
of my stunningly beautiful fab shoe/custom bead combo.
and they’d lift their eyes to mine and smile
and say: “ooooooooooooooo… nice shoooooeeeessss!”
“…and nice beads tooooo!”

And i’d contentedly sip my girlie martini
or maybe Bellini cuz that would definitely match!

And know just for that one moment 
that my lampworking skillz
and my fashionista street cred were perfectly aligned in my world.

p.s. Can you tell i can’t wait for the new Sex and the City Movie to open?
(And no, i didn’t buy them, i stocked up on glass instead. choices. sigh)

p.p.s. Confused? Read my About Me or My Studio pages.

Latest additions to my collection…


I found these two quirky items from a UK ceramics artist while randomly surfing etsy (click either picture to get to her store). 

They are tiny, handmade and absolute perfection.  The base is offwhite clay with embedded glass (you knew there’d have to glass included, right?) and gold and platinum highlights. 

I had the teal pendant custom made and then found the purple brooch in her store – i LOVE purple!  I’ll need to wire the pendant or maybe make a necklace for it. i think i’ll wear the brooch to an event i’m attending tonite.

I keep picking them up to look at them ‘cuz they’re just too perfectly precious…


A recent custom order…

Tusk: this order was fun – the client wanted a different and personal take on the (currently very trendy) ivory tusk/bone/horn pendant thing.  It’s about 2″ long.

Took me a few rather comical tries before i finally figured out how to make a tusk in glass…  Quite impressed with myself actually as this is not only my first tusk but also my first successful bead with a horizontal (as opposed to vertical) hole.   

ivory tusk

I was asked to give the pendant the look of antique ivory – i think i accomplished that quite nicely.  The ivory base reacted beautifully to the silvered stringer by crackling and turning a bit golden…

Here’s the back view:

tusk back view

Ode to Effetre Copper Green

Ode to Copper Green 

Copper green, you are my bane

Copper green, you’re driving me insane!

You spit, you pit, you crack, you shock

Mixing you with certain colours just makes icky schlock

I love you! Why can’t you love me back?

Why must each turn in the flame coat you with gunky black?

I know i can etch you but i want you to shine

and avoid using chemicals that reek worse than turpentine

You’re pale green in the rod, so light, so pretty

But when you come out of the kiln you’re a weirdly deep, bluish verdigris??

Wassup with that, you crazy colour?

You make me want to scream and holler!

You’re making me late with my custom order

The fuglies you’ve given make me want to scream bloody murder!

I start out each time thinking i’ve found just the right blend

then incompatibility, weird colour reactions – you’re driving me off the deep end!

And then just when i think i’ve conquered your tricks

What’s that i hear?  Oh noooo, it’s cracking! “snick”

You screwed me, so now i must start again

I hate you! i hate you! you’re no longer my friend!

Oh, I’m kidding, I still love you.  I just needed to vent

Let’s go dance in the flame once more seeking mutual contentment…

© ShebaMakeda Glass Art


Tales from the torch: Jan. 26th/08

Results from my last few torch sessions – a goddess and two pendants for a couple custom orders:

Hades GoddessHades goddess back

Hades Goddess:  (sold) Sometimes simple is best.  This is just black glass and silver leaf passed through a reduction flame to bring out the iridescence.  I had originally planned to tart her up with some frit and a latticino or two but once i reached this stage, i realized she’s perfect just as is.

Tempest leftTempest right

Tempest:  (sold)  Ever been on the beach during a thunderstorm?  As the wind rises and the sea slams against the cliffs, the water, foam, seaweed and sand all swirl together wildly. And if you’re lucky enough to find a good vantage point, you can enjoy this spectacle of nature from a safe distance but still be close enough to feel the salty spray hit your skin with each crashing wave…

Almond Blossom leftalmond blossom right

Spring Bloom:  My first serious attempt at a traditional raised floral.   Every single colour is custom blended – from the base to the premade latticino’s used for the branches and the flowers.  The branches have a bit of sparkle as i used green adventurine in the twist, then i reduced the bead lightly at the base to give it some depth.  A lot of work but i’m pretty happy with how it turned out.

And if you think it looks familiar, you’re right.  It’s inspired by Vincent van Gogh’s 1890 painting Almond Blossom.